How to meet people and make friends in London

3 min readSep 13, 2022


Research has shown that London is one of the loneliest places in Europe, with 52% of Londoners feeling lonely and 1 in 12 feeling “severely lonely”. And during the Covid crisis this was even worse with nearly one in three Londoners saying they felt lonely some or all of the time during the pandemic — 20% more than the England-wide average.

On its own this sounds pretty grim, and that’s before you factor in other research that has said that a lack of friends may shorten your life by up to eight years.

So it’s clear that making new friends can only be a good move, but making new friends as an adult is not easy — especially in big cities like London. So what can London offer people simply wanting to make friends? If you’ve exhausted your immediate network of housemates and co-workers, here are our top tips for making new connections in the city:

1. Check out online platforms

By now most of us have heard of Meetup, but in case you haven’t, the premise is simple: browse the website to find a group you like the sound of in your local area, join, then attend in-person meetups. With a meetup for pretty much every demographic, interest, hobby or occupation, meeting likeminded people couldn’t be easier.

Citysocializer is another online platform for social events hosted by a community of London newcomers and fun-loving professionals wanting to meet new friends. Founded by Sanchita Saha following her friends’ experiences of moving to London, it functions a bit like a mix between Meetup and Time Out so it’s a great way to explore the city as well. If you’re looking to meet new people whilst experiencing interesting events in the city, this social discovery network is the place to go. There’s all sorts of socials on offer: art and theatre trips, gigs, clubs, Sunday pub lunches, bike trips and jogging, walking tours, cinema trips, cocktail classes and weekends away.

2. Learn something new

It’s always fun to learn something new, plus it’s a good way to meet people! Check out Hotcourses, a fantastic platform to find nearby courses in just about anything. Bond over painting, wine tasting, astrology, knitting, philosophy — whatever takes your fancy, you’ll sure to find like-minded people.

3. Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, and do some good whilst you’re at it.

Check out The Sock Mob, a friendly group of volunteers working with homeless people in the city. On a mission to cut through misconceptions, prejudice and stereotypes, mobbers take the time getting to know the people on the streets, forging meaningful links rather than just handing out food and supplies — join a mob to see a different side of London, and connect with other mobbers over a pint at the end of the night.

You can also check out Hands On London, a popular charity facilitating community based volunteering.

4. Meet via music

For something a little bit different — but nonetheless awesome — check out Learn to Uke for their 4 week ukulele course. You’ll learn to play your first song within an hour, and later be invited to alumni meetups and jams.

If you can’t make bond over a brightly coloured baby guitar, what can you bond over?

5. Bond over food

If you’re into food (who isn’t?), check out Grub Club, a platform that connects users with London’s best supper clubs and pop-up restaurants. Dine with fellow foodies and bond over something delicious. If you’ve got some kitchen skills of your own, you can also host your own Grub Club!

6. Exercise, but more fun

If you’re wanting to keep fit, have fun and connect with new people, London’s got you covered.

Check out Rabble, a novel type of social sports club disguising exercise as fun games like dodgeball, british bulldog, and something called ‘zombie hunt’ (we’re extra curious about this one!).

There’s also Project Awesome, a free fitness movement in London offering ‘badass workouts’, bright clothing and bucket loads of energy. In their own words: “We hug. We high five, we behave like overgrown children and get ‘accidentally’ badass fit in the process” — what better way to meet new people!?




Meet new friends through events and activities and join a new social community.