What Is #PALentine’s Day & How To Celebrate It!
Single on Valentine’s day? Seeing couples everywhere making you vomit rose petals? Well, the internet is here and you can always find more people who feel the same way.
This year we’ve been introduced to a new concept called Palentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day (if it’s for women only) which is essentially Valentine’s for friends. You get together with your friends, do something fun and get to feel loved by all the people you care about in your life, without thinking of romantic partners.
Honestly, this is bang on what we are all about!
So, today we’ll give you a few ideas for things to do with your friends and have the best Palelntine’s/Galentine’s day ever!

Have A Tea Party
Who doesn’t love a nice cup of tea, sandwiches and sweet treats? Get some bubbly to top it off, dress in your best clothes and have fun with your friends. The only people you need to impress today are your instagram followers (come on, afternoon tea photos just beg to be shared online).

Go For Karaoke
Your friends have already heard you singing out of tune all those nights out you’ve had one too many drinks. Embrace it and get the group together for some karaoke. Book a room just for your party and spend the rest of the night singing your heart out to your favourite tunes.

Play Bowling
You need a group for a good game of bowling. Get everyone together, book a space and try your strike scoring skills. The first to score a strike buys the next round…

Eat Everything
An all you can eat buffet does not scream romance, but when it’s just you and your friends, who cares? Chinatown has some great places to get your fill of noodles, sweet and sour chicken and crispy duck. Plus nobody will judge you for eating your weight in food and you don’t have to dance around the last piece of chicken because you can always go get some more without paying extra.

Play Drinking Games
Everyone loves a drinking game. Book a table at your favourite pub, order some pints and get ready for some I Have Never, Truth or Dare and taking a sip every time a couple kisses in the room.
There you have it. The recipe for a great Palentine’s Day. Or you know, any time you’re out with your friends. To get a little soppy here (we’re allowed sometimes), love is all about spending time and caring for the people around you be it your family, your friends or even some strangers you do something kind for.
Have a great day and remember to check out citysocializer.com for a selection of fun socials already planned so you can just join and go out without any fuss.